First Dental Visit in Highland Park, IL

First Dental Visit by Age 1!

Many parents are surprised to find out that the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD) recommends that children visit a pediatric dentist by the time they are one year of age. This is because tooth decay is the most common early childhood chronic disease.

At your first visit, you should expect to discuss:

At a young age, prevention is key! Never let your child go to bed with a bottle or breastfeed at will during the night. You should also keep your child’s intake of juice or sugary drinks to a minimum. The American Dental Association (ADA) discourages the use of sippy cups for an extended period of time. It recommends that children start drinking from a cup by age 1.

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They’re Not Just Baby Teeth!

Many people don’t understand the importance of baby teeth. Primary teeth are necessary for children to chew and speak properly near Highland Park, IL. They also hold the space for the permanent teeth to come in. If a primary tooth is lost too early, a permanent tooth can drift into the empty space. This makes it difficult for other permanent teeth to properly erupt into the mouth.

It is important to remember that cavities are contagious! The bacteria (usually Streptococcus mutans) can be transmitted from one person to another and from one tooth to another. If a primary tooth has an untreated cavity or infection, it can spread to the adjacent teeth and cause unnecessary damage.

Tooth Eruption!

Primary (baby) teeth begin to erupt around the age of six months. All 20 primary teeth usually erupt by the time the child reaches the age of three. These primary teeth will begin to shed (fall out) between the ages of six and seven. They are then replaced by the child’s permanent teeth. The last primary teeth are usually lost around 12 years of age, and by age 13, most of the permanent teeth are in place.

Healthy Snacking

Healthy snacking is important to help fight against dental caries (cavities). To snack healthy, please remember a few basic rules:

Choose non-sugary and low-fat options when snacking, such as:

How to Prevent Cavities

Request a Consultation!

Sam Skurie Dental
1770 First Street, Suite 450 Highland Park IL 60035
1-847-432-0254 USD Cash, Check, MasterCard, Visa, American Express, Most Dental Insurance Plans, CareCredit, Lending Club Patient Solutions, Prosper Healthcare Lending
Sam Skurie Doctor